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What is the Difference Between Compostable and Biodegradable?

In the never-ending search for green products and solutions, two words come up often: Compostable and Biodegradable. But what do they mean? Is one better than the other? What do you need to know?
PJP have been in the business of selling disposable products for 55 years, and we have made a commitment to protecting the environment. We’ll teach you the ins, outs, pros, and cons of both Compostable and Biodegradable products.

What is Biodegradable?
Simply put, something is “biodegradable” if it can be disintegrated by bacteria, fungi, or some other biological process. If you look at the word itself, the meaning is right there. “Bio” meaning “life,” “degrade” meaning to break down, and “able” of course meaning that it can happen. Biodegradation is basically just the process of nature taking its course and breaking down materials to their component parts. Plastic will break down into carbon dioxide, water, and a few other things. Pretty simple, right?The truth is that lots of things are biodegradable, if given enough time. Plastics in particular are known to take decades or even centuries to break down naturally, but they will break down. So, technically speaking, they are biodegradable. Even diapers, notorious for lasting a long time in landfills, will break down eventually.
When a packaging company says that their product is biodegradable, all they really mean is that it will break down when placed in a land fill. This is a good thing! Obviously we don’t want products that last forever sitting in our landfills. The key, however, is to take note of how long it takes for the product to biodegrade. Some products degrade in months, while others take years. When shopping for green products, the less time for biodegradation the better.

What is Compostable?
We’ve all heard of a compost heap, right? When you take organic materials and allow it to decompose which then creates fertilizer for your soil. Composting is the process of recycling organic waste so that it can eventually be reused.
In the packaging world, compostable means something a bit different. Typically, what a packaging company means when they call their product “compostable” is that it can be turned into compost… if entered into an industrial composting facility. This is an important distinction. Compostable products do not always biodegrade naturally in a landfill. They have to be placed in the right kind of conditions, conditions that are often only found in industrial compost facilities. Compostable products will take much longer to break down if in a landfill, especially an “air locked” landfill where there will be no oxygen.
Compostable products are great for the environment, but it is important to make sure that your business has the proper waste management processes in place. Make sure that your compostable waste is going to a compost facility.

What’s the Difference?
The primary difference between compostable and biodegradable is that compostable products require a specific setting in order to break down, whereas biodegradable products break down naturally. Typically composting is a faster process, but only under the right conditions. Both of these kinds of products are better for the environment than plastic products that can take hundreds of years to disintegrate.

Difference between normal and biodegradable plastic

Plastic has now become a major constituent of our day to day activity.
Metal, wood, cardboard and many other materials which were initially the building blocks of the different commodities for our day to day use have now been replaced by plastic. This is mainly because they are cheap, hence money saving, light-weight, hence portable and mostly due to its ease of access. However, that is not all. On the contrary, there are several disadvantages of this sudden and rapid rise in the use of plastic. On the present, its disadvantages are rising at a booming rate making it a major concern for the people and the environment rather than its advantages and it destroying nature. Scientist discover new polymer to protect nature from destroy.

Normal plastic are made from petroleum. Crude oil is a source of raw material for regular plastic. Normal plastic is of a great hazard to the environment as it cannot be disposed off properly. It cannot able to dump into open space, thus it occupies landfill site as it releases toxic gases when incinerated. These toxic gases can cause severe health problems mainly to those people who have serious health issues or breathing difficulties. On the other hand bio-degradable plastics are a massive and immense solution to the problems of normal plastics which are of more of a nightmare to many environmentalists. These biodegradable plastics contain certain additives that cause them to decay at a very rapid rate in presence of light and oxygen. Unlike normal plastics, biodegradable plastics are made from plant base material like core, potato, cassava and wheat starch as opposite of oil base plastic. Oil base plastic need 500-1000 year to degrade and meantime it destroy our plant & nature. On other side Biodegradable plastic take 90-180 days to degrade and it became Fertilizer and give benefit to tree.

Biodegradable plastic can save our nature from destroy. We should use biodegradable plastic products in place of normal plastic.

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